Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya menerima sebuah surat cinta email dari seseorang di manca sana. Isinya singkat saja. Saya berhak mendapatkan sejumlah dana yang luar biasa besar bagi seseorang seperti saya. Kaget juga sih. Tapi kemudian email tersebut tidak saya gubris sama sekali.
2 thn minggu kemudian ketika lagi suntuk, iseng2 saya balas email tsb, berikut data yang diminta. 2 hari berselang, saya mendapat balasan yang isinya seperti terlampir dibawah ini.
The Irish Lottery
P O Box 1010
11 G Lower Dorset Street,
Dublin 1, Ireland
(Customer Services)
Ref Number: UK/9420X2/68
Batch Number: 074/05/ZY369
Date: 9th February, 2009
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that your Verification and Fund Release form has passed through the proper legal verification processes and has sucessfully passed all standards in accordance with the Irish National Lottery Terms and Conditions.This is also to notify you that you have been officially cleared for payment by the verifications and fund release department at the Irish National Lottery Headquarters and your winnings has been approved for release to you.
I am in reciept of your mail and i must say that you should count yourself extremely lucky to have emerged as one of our winners in this years lucky dip sweepstakes. As you already know your email address was randomly selected along with others from over 100,000 Unions on the internet. Each email address was attached to a ticket number. Your email address was selected as winner.Note that your winnings can be delivered in the next 24-48 hours upon your contacting the Allied Irish Bank,who is responsible for the swift bank transfer of your winning funds into your bank account.So you should contact them urgently to get your winnings.
It is our major priority as your fiduciary agent to make sure that your winning funds gets to you within the stipulated time for the claiming of winning,with that goal set in our mind in this office, we have deposited your winning funds with Allied Irish Bank and the sum of £750,000( Seven hundred and fifty thousand Pounds Sterling) has been deposited in your name.
Now you are to contact the bank with the contact information below for futher instructions on how to transfer your winning funds into your norminate personal account in your local country.
You should contact the Allied Irish Bank immediately without any delays, for your winnings had already been deposited with them for onward transfer to your personal account.
Note that you are to provide the Bank with these details to identify you:
** TEL:
Below is the Details of the Allied Irish Bank
Transfer Department
Allied Irish Bank
Mr. Luke Moore
Allied Irish Bank.
Operations Department
Sovereign House
361 King Street
Hammersmith London,W6 9NA
Fax: +448704955949
Its is imperative that you add your IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS{FWC/IRS/8971} as the subject of any correspondence with the Allied Irish Bank and your Full name and Address to ensure that they respond in a timely manner.
I will require a concise update on proceedings with the Allied Irish Bank as soon as you are in contact with them. If you need any assistance whatsoever, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Once more congratulations!!!
Yours Sincerely,
Mr.Derek White.
Fiduciary Agent.
Please note that this email, and any files that may be attached to it is/are confidential and is/are intended for the sole use of the individual(s) or entity(ies) to which it/they is/are addressed. Any use,distribution,copying or disclosure by any other person or entity is strictly prohibited under applicable law(s).Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to official business of NATIONAL LOTTERY and insurance shall be understood to be neither given nor endorsed by NATIONAL LOTTERY finance and insurance when addressed to concern finance and insurance clients; and any information contained in this email is subject to the terms and conditions of the governing client's contract(s)
THE Irish National Lottery
Penasaran, sayapun browsing mencari kebenaran informasi tsb. Kecurigaan sayapun terbukti. Ternyata sudah banyak yang pernah menerima email sejenis, dgn nama pengirim dan format surat sedikit berbeda.
Bagi yg pernah dan mungkin akan menerima email sejenis, sebaiknya bersikap bijak. Ada baiknya juga mengirim-balik email tsb ke: alert@aib agar dapat di follow-up oleh pihak2 yg berkompeten. Semoga bermanfaat.
2 komentar:
Info yang menarik....
makasih infonya.
waw, aku dapet lo spam sejenis kyk gtu, trus lgsung browsing di mbah google, info nya bermanfaat bgt nih, thumbs up!!!
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