A band
Dark band seen in muscle which is made of the thick filaments
One of the neurotransmitters
Property of tissues with an affinity for acidic dye
Cell type in the adenohypophysis with a propensity for acidic dyes
Acinar cell
Cell lining an acinus, such as cells in a pancreatic acini
Sac-like cluster of secretory epithelial cells with a central lumen
Acoustic hair cell
Sensory cell within the organ of corti
Portion of a sperm which contains enzymes
A contractile protein that is very prevalent in muscle
Adenosine triphosphate
A molecule that stores chemical energy; often abbreviated as ATP
Fat cell
Adipose cell
Fat cell
The outer connective tissue covering of an organ, vessel or other structure
Agranular leukocyte. Leukocytes without prominent granules; specifically lymphocytes and monocytes
Alpha cell
1. Pancreatic islet cell which secrete glucagon
2. Cell type in the anterior pituitary, also called acidophil
Alveolar cell
Cell of the pulmonary alveoli
Alveolar duct
Passageway which contains alveolar sacs
Alveolar sac
Region at the end of an alveolar duct; airspace
1. Microscopic sac in the lung
2. Spherical sac
Amacrine cells
Interneurons in the retina
Cell which makes tooth enamel
A saccular swelling
Fluid filled space surrounding follicle
Apocrine gland
A type of sweat gland found in the axilla, anogenital region, external auditory meatus and eyelid
Amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation
Argentaffin cells
Also called enterochromaffin cells; found in glands of the gastrointestinal tract; stain with silver salt
Argyrophilic cell
Small granule cell or dense core granule cell
Arrector pili
Smooth muscle associated with a hair follicle
Part of the arterial tree; a small artery with a diameter less than .5mm
Star shaped cell seen in the central nervous systm; most abundant glial cell
Auerbach's plexus
Myenteric plexus; located in the muscle of the intestine between the outer longitudinal layer and inner circular layer
Plasma membrane of an axon
Single process seen in a neuron which conducts impulses away from the cell body
Axon hillock
The cone shaped region at the junction of the axon and cell body
Azurophilic granules
Granules in a neutrophil which contain peroxidase and lysosomal enzymes
B lymphocytes
Leukocytes involved in humoral immunity
Band cell
Immature neutrophil in which the nucleus has not yet become multilobulated
Barr body
Inactive, repressed X chromosome seen in the female
Basal body
Structure at the base of cilium or flagellum made of microtubules
Basal cell
Cell in the deepest layer of epithelium
Basal lamina
Thin sheet of protein underlying epithelium
Basement membrane
Thin sheet which cells rests upon
Basket cell
1. Cell in the cerebellar cortex
2. Myoepithelial cell
1. Type of granulocyte with prominent basophilic granules
2. Glandular cell in the pituitary
1. An increase number of basophils in the peripheral circulation
2. Tissues property of staining with basic dyes
Beta cell
1. Pancreatic islet cell which secretes insulin
2. Cell type in the anterior pituitary, also called basophil
Betz cells
Pyramidal cells in the motor area of the brain
Bipolar neuron
Neuron with only two processes: an axon and a dendrite
Bowman's capsule
Portion of the uriniferous tubule; double layered portion surrounding the glomeruli
Bowman's membrane
The basement membrane of the corneal epithelium
Small branch of the bronchial tree which contains no cartilage in the wall
Bruch's membrane
The inner layer of the choroid; also called lamina vitrea
Brunner's gland
Glands found in the submucosa of the duodenum which have an alkaline secretion
Brush border
Microvilli seen on the epithelial surface in the small intestine which significantly increases the absorptive surface area.
C cells
1. Parafollicular cells in the thyroid which secrete calcitonin
2. Chromophobe cells of the anterior pituitary
Canal of Schlemm
Circular canal near the junction of the cornea and sclera which allows the aqueous humor to drain from the anterior chamber
Little canals which contain the processes of an osteocyte
Canals of Hering
Small bile ducts which connect to bile ducts in the portal canal
Cancellous bone
Spongy bone; trabecular bone
Thin walled blood vessel; the exchange of products between the blood and tissue occurs in the capillary
Small pockets or indentations of cell membrane seen with pinocytosis
Cell membrane
Plasmalemma; outermost portion of of a cell
Substance found covering the roots of teeth
Central vein
Vein within the center of a liver lobule
Organelle in cells which is made of microtubles
Chief cells
1. Cells in the stomach which secrete pepsinogen
2. Cell type found in the parathyroid
Immature cartilage cell which forms cartilage
Mature cartilage cell
Pigmented layer underneath the neural retina
Chromaffin cells
Catacholamine secreting cells found primarily in the adrenal medulla
DNA and histone protein which is found in the cell nucleus
Cell type in the anterior pituitary which does not pick up stain readily
Structure visible during cell division; bar like structure of chromatin
Hair like projection found on the apical surface of some epithelium
Clara cell
Cells found in the epithelium of the lung
Protein found in connective tissue, skin, tendon, bone, and cartilage
Collecting duct
Part of the kidney which collects urine from the nephrons
Columnar cell
An epithelial cell that is taller than it is wide
Compound gland
A gland with branching ducts
Cone cell
Type of photoreceptor which is specialized for color vision
Cords of Billroth
The tissue between the splenic sinuses; also called the splenic cords
Corona radiata
Cell layer surrounding oocyte
Corpus albicans
White scar seen when the corpus luteum degenerates
Corpus luteum
Structure seen in the ovary at site of ruptured follicle; yellow body
Crypts of Lieberkühn
Glands found in the epithelium of the small intestine
Cuboidal epithelium
Type of epithelium where the cells are as tall as they are wide
Cumulus oophorus
Cells which surround the ovum within the ovarian follicle
Division of the cytoplasm
The region of a cell between the nucleus and plasma membrane
The framework of a cell
Decidual cell
Cell type in the endometrial stroma
Delta cell
1. Pancreatic islet cell which secretes somatostatin
2. Gonadotrophic cell
Crescent shaped serous cell cap seen in some salivary glands
Processes extending from the neuron cell body which usually branch like a tree
Dense core granule cell
Small granule cell or argyrophilic cell
Dense irregular connective tissue
Type of connective tissue where the collagen fibers are in a haphazard arrangement
Dense regular connective tissue
Connective tissue with collagen fibers in parallel arrangement
The substance which makes up most of a tooth
The layer of skin underneath the epidermis composed primarily of dense irregular connective tissue
Descemet's membrane
Limiting layer of cornea
Type of cell junction; important juction within epithelial tissue; macula adherens
Distal convoluted tubule
DCT; part of the nephron.
Deoxyribonucleic acid; material which carries the genetic information.
Ducts of Bellini
Papillary ducts; large collecting ducts in the nephrons.
Dust cell
Phagocytic cell found in the alveoli of the lungs; also called an alveolar macrophage or an alveolar phagocyte.
Eccrine sweat gland
Sweat glands distributed over almost all the body
Elastic cartilage
A type of cartilage in which there are elastic fibers in the matrix
Elastic fiber
A type of fiber found in cartilage and connective tissue which gives the tissue elasticity
Protein found in elastic fibers
Lining of the heart
Endocrine gland
Ductless gland; secretes hormones
The process by which large particles are brought into cells
Endometrial glands
Glands found in the epithelial lining of the uterus
Lining of the uterus
Connective tissue covering a muscle fiber
Connective tissue which surrounds individual nerve fibers and associated Schwann cells
Endoplasmic reticulum
Organelle within cells; two varieties: smooth and rough
Lining of bone
Simple squamous epithelium lining the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels
Enterochromaffin cells
APUD cells with granules which are seen with chromium and sliver salts
Eosin is an acid stain which binds to and stains basic structures (or negatively charged structures)
Granuloycte; granules of this type of white blood cell take up the dye eosin
Ependymal cells
Cells which line the central cavity of the spinal cord and brain ventricles
Outer covering of the heart
The outer layer of the skin composed of stratified squamous epithelium
Connective tissue sheeth which surrounds a nerve
Epithelioreticular cells
Star shaped cells in the thymus which form a framework for lymphoctes
Basic tissue type which covers and lines body cavities and surfaces
Red blood cell
Development of erythrocytes
Hormone made by the kidney which stimulates red blood cell production
Exocrine gland
Glands that secrete onto body surfaces or into body cavities
Process by which particles are moved from the cell to the exterior
Extracellular matrix
The material in the space which is outside of cells
Pore or small opening
Fenestrated capillaries
Capillaries with pores
Cell which secetes the fibers and ground substance of connective tissue
A type of cartilage that has thick collagen fibers in the matrix
Fibrous astrocyte
Type of astrocyte more common in white matter
Finger like extensions on the fallopian tube
Whiplike extension seen on some cells and bacteria for propulsion
1. Structure within the ovary
2. Structure within thyroid gland
3. Portion of hair embedded in the skin
Formed elements
Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets
Foot process
Pedicel; portion of a podocyte
Foreign body giant cell
Formed by the fusion of macrophages
Fundic glands
Type of gastric gland.
Fusiform cell
Spindle shaped cell.
G cells
Gastrin secreting enterochromaffin cells of the pylorus
Gut associated lymphatic tissue
Collection of neuron cell bodies found outside the CNS
Gap junction
Epithelial junction which allows for the electrical coupling of cells
Gastric glands
Glands in the stomach located in the gastric mucosa
Gastric pit
Invagination of the gastric mucosa
Germ cells
Reproductive cells eg. oocytes and spermatozoa; also called a gamete
Germinal center
Lighter staining area within a lymphoid nodule which contains proliferating B lymphoctyes
Germinal epithelium
Epithelium covering the ovary
Neuroglia; supporting cells of the nervous system
Glial cells
Interstitial cells in the pineal gland
Part of the nephron; a tuft of capillaries
Goblet cells
Unicellular mucus gland found in the intestinal tract and respiratory tract
Golgi apparatus
Cellular organelle
Golgi tendon organ
Sensory nerve ending embedded in a tendon for proprioception
Basophilic cell of the adenohypophysis which secretes FSH and LH
Graafian follicle
Mature follicle which will be ovulated
Leukocytes with prominent granules; specifically: eosinophils, basophils, and neutrophils
The production and development of granulocytes
Granulosa cells
Supporting cells lining a follicle
Granulosa lutein cells
Cells derived from granulosa cells
Great alveolar cell
Alveolar type II cell
Ground substance
Amorphous extracellular matrix of connective tissue
H band
Region in a sarcomere in the middle of the A band
Hair cells
Epithelial cells with stereocilia or kinocilia found in the vestibulocochlear system
Hair follicle
Portion of hair embedded in the epidermis
Halo cells
Cell type in the epididymus
Hassall's corpuscle
Distinctive structure seen in the medulla of the thymus
Haversian canal
Central canal in an osteon which contain blood vessels
Haversian system
Osteon; central canal and the surrounding rings
Development of blood cells
Basic tissue stain which binds to and stains nucleic acids so the nucleus of a cell stains blue
Amber-gold pigment formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin
Henle's layer
Layer in the hair follicle
Henle's loop
Hairpin region of the nephron
Hensen's cells
Supporting cell type in the spiral organ of Corti
The primary cell of the liver parenchyma
Hering's canals
Small bile ducts which connect to portal canals
Herrings bodies
Granules within axons in the neurohypophysis
Connective tissue macrophage
A branch of anatomy; microscopic anatomy
Hofbauer cell
Cell type in the placenta
Holocrine gland
A type of gland in which entire cells break apart to from the secretions of that gland
Horizontal cell
1. Retinal neuron
2. Horizontal cell of Cajal-cell of the cerebral cortex
Howship's lacunae
Hollow area underneath osteoclasts from bone resorption
Huxley's layer
Layer in the hair follicle
Hyaline cartilage
A type of cartilage with a glassy appearance
Mineral crystal of bone and teeth.
I band
Light band seen on striated muscle; isotropic band
A lymphocyte which has been stimulated by an antigen
Non living particles seen within a cell
Interalveolar septum
The tissue between two pulmonary alveoli
Intercalated disc
Cross bands seen in cardiac muscle
Intercalated ducts
Ducts lined by a simple epithelium draining a secretory unit
Intercalated neurons
Neurons between sensory and motor neurons; interneurons
Intermembranous bone
Bone which forms from direct deposit, as opposed to from a cartilagenous model
Internal elastic lamina
In arteries and arterioles, the elastic fibers at the junction of the tunica intima and tunica media
Neurons between sensory and motor neurons; the vast majority of neurons are interneurons
Internuncial neurons
Neurons between sensory and motor neurons; interneurons
Interstitial cells of Cajal
Found between the layers of smooth muscle in the GI tract involved in motility
Interstitial cells of Leydig
Cells which produce and secrete testosterone found in the interstitium of the testis
Intestinal absorptive cell
Cell with a brush border for absorption of nutrients
Intestinal glands
Tubular glands in the small intestinal mucosa
Islet of Langerhans
Cellular clusters seen in the pancreas that have an endocrine function
Isotropic band
Light band seen on striated muscle; I band
Junctional complex
Intercellular attachment
Juxtaglomerular cells
Portion of the juxtaglomerular apparatus which secretes renin
Juxtamedullary nephron
Nephron that has its glomerulus next to the base of a renal pyramid.
Nuclear division
Protein found in epidermis, hair and nails
Cell found in the epidermis of the skin which produces keratin
Keratohyaline granules
Granules seen in the stratum granulosum
Killer T cell
Type of T lymphoctye; cytotoxic T cell
Long cilia
Kohn's pores
Channels between adjacent alveoli
Kupffer cell
Hepatic macrophage
Lymphatic capillaries that are found in the villi of the small intestine
Acidophilic cells in the adenohypophysis which secrete prolactin
Small space or cavity
Lamina propria
Connective tissue layer underneath epithelium
Lamina vitrea
The inner layer of the choroid; also called Bruch's membrane
Langerhans cells
Star shaped macrophages found in the epidermis; antigen presenting cells
White blood cells. Specifically: neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils
Leydig cells
Cells which produce and secrete testosterone found in the interstitium of the testis
Lieberkühn crypts
Glands found in the epithelium of the small intestine
Cell which stores fat (often used specifically for fat storing cell in liver)
Amber or brown pigment sometimes found in older cells
Liquor folliculi
The fluid in the antrum of an ovarian follicle
Littoral cells
Lining cells seen in the spleen, lymphatic sinuses and bone marrow
Loop of Henle
Hair pin shaped region of the nephron
Luschka's ducts
Accessory cystic duct
Lymphatic follicles
Concentrated spherical aggregates of lymphatic tissue which is found in the gastrointestinal, respiratory and genitourinary systems
Lymphatic nodule
Concentrated aggregate of lymphatic tissue; found in GI, respiratory and genitourinary systems
Immature lymphocyte
Agranular leukocyte
Membrane bound organelle; suicide sac.
M line
Center of the H band in a sarcomere
Phagocytic cell derived from monocytes
Macula adherens
Type of cell junction; important juction within epithelial tissue; desmosome
Macula densa
Specialized cells in the distal convoluted tubule; part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus
Macula pellucida
Stigma; site on the surface of the ovary where oocyte rupture occurs
Mall's space
Region in liver where lymph is formed
Malpighian corpuscle
1. Renal corpuscle
2. Splenic nodule
Mucosal associated lymphatic tissue
Martinotti cell
Type of nerve cell found in the cerebral cortex
Mast cells
Connective tissue cell with granules which contain heparin and histamine
Inner portion of organ
Giant cell found in the bone marrow; fragments form platelets
Process of nuclear division during the generation of sex cell which cuts the number of chromosomes in half
Meissner's corpuscle
Tactile receptors sensitive to light touch found in the dermis
Meissner's plexus
Submucosal plexus of the gastrointestinal tract
Dark pigment formed by melanocytes
Cells in the skin at the epidermal/dermal junction which produce melanin
Membrane bone
Bone which forms from direct deposit, as opposed to from a cartilagenous model
Memory cell
Lymphocyte that has been exposed to a specific antigen so that when re-exposed to that antigen it can recognize the antigen and rapidly divide
Merkel cell
Tactile receptor in the skin
Embryonic connective tissue
Mesangial cells
Cell type seen in the glomerulus; interstitial cells
Type of epithelium which lines some internal body cavities
Cell type in granulopoiesis
Vessel which is in between arteriole and capillary
Type of neuroglia; CNS macrophages
Projections on the apical surface of some epithelial cells which increase the surface area for absorpiton
Cellular organelles which generates ATP; powerhouse of the cell
Nuclear division seen with cell division
Mixed glands
Glands which are composed of both serous cells and mucous cells
Agranular white blood cell; largest white blood cell
Mucous membrane; lining of passageways
Mucos connective tissue
Type of mesenchyme
Mucous neck cell
A type of mucous secreting cell found in the stomach
Mueller cell
Supporting cell in the retina
Multipolar cell
Cell with many processes
Muscle fiber
Muscle cell
Fatty sheeth surrounding nerve cell processes
Cell type seen in granulopoiesis
Cell line in the bone marrow
Myenteric plexus
Plexus that is between the two layers of external muscle in the GI tract; Auerbach's plexus
Myoepithelial cells
Embryologically from ectoderm; contactile cells
Longitudinal unit within a muscle fiber
Contractile protein that is very prevalent in muscle
Nail bed
Structure that the nail plate rests on
Natural killer cell
Type of lymphocyte; NK cell
The functional unit of the kidney which is composed of a glomerulus and a uriniferous tubule
Intermediate fibers of neurons
Supporting cells of the central nervous system
Outermost covering of nerve fiber; also spelled neurilemma
Nerve cell
Neurosecretory cell
Neuron which secretes a hormone
Type of white blood cell; granulocyte in which the granules show no particicular attraction for either acidic or basic dyes
Nissl bodies
Distinctive rough endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes seen in neurons
Node of Ranvier
Area between two Schwann cells which is not covered by myelin
Nonlamellar bone
Immature bone; woven bone
Cell seen in erythropoiesis which has a compact nucleus
Region in the nucleus of a cell where ribosomal RNA production occurs
Part of the cell which contains the genetic information.
Cells which produce dentin in the tooth pulp
Olfactory mucosa
Mucosa lining parts of the nasal cavity
Glial cell in the CNS which wraps around axons to form myelin sheaths
Developing female gamete; immature ovum
Optic disc
The area of the retina that the optic nerve leaves from; responsible for the blind spot
Ora serrata
Junction between the ciliary body and the retina
Organ of Corti
Part of the cochlea; houses the auditory sensory receptors
Specialized intracellular structure
Bone forming cell
Multinucleated cell which breaks done bone matrix
Mature bone cell
Bone matrix which is unmineralized
Structural unit in mature bone consisting of concentric layers of bone lamellae around the central canal
Mature female gamete
Oxyntic cell
Also called a parietal cell. Cell found in the stomach which produces hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor
Oxyphilic cell
One of the two main cell types found in the parathyroid gland
Oxytalan fibers
Fibers in the periodontal ligament
Pacinian corpuscle
Mechanoreceptor for pressure
Pampiniform plexus
Venous plexus found in the reproductive system
Paneth cells
Cells with prominent granules found in the deepest part of an intestinal gland
Papillary layer
Superficial layer of the dermis
Parafollicular cells
Cell type in a thyroid follicle which secretes calcitonin; also called a C cells
The functional portion of an organ
Parakeratinized epithelium
Keratinized epithelium where the cells still have their nuclei
Parietal cell
Also called a oxyntic cell. Found in the stomach; produces HCl and intrinsic factor
Pars convoluta
Distal convoluted tubule
Pars distalis
Anterior lobe of the pituitary
Pars intermedia
Intermediate lobe of pituitary
Pars nervosa
Posterior lobe of pituitary
Pars recta
Proximal straight tubule in the kidney
Pars tuberalis
Portion of adenohypophysis around infundibuluar stem
Foot process of a podocyte
Peg cells
Non-ciliated secretory cells found in the oviduct
Periarterial lymphatic sheath
PALS; cluster of lymphoctes surrounding a central artery of the spleen
Connective tissue covering which surrounds cartilage
An undifferentiated cell seen in association with some capillaries
The cell body of a nerve cell
Covering of the uterus
Connective tissue sheath surrounding muscle fascicles
Connective tissue sheath surrounding nerve fibers
Supporting tissue of the teeth
Connective tisue covering of bone
Peyer's patches
Lymphoid nodules seen in the lamina propria of the large intestine and appendix
Form of endocytosis; "cell eating''
Phalangeal cells
Supporting cells of the spiral organ
Pillar cells
Cell type found in the organ of Corti
A form of endoctyosis in which fluids enter the cell; 'cell drinking'
Cell type found in the neurohypophysis
Plasma cell
Cell derived from B lymphoctyes which secretes antibodies
Plasma membrane
The cell membrane
The cell membrane
Cell fragment in blood which is involved in clotting
Having a variety of shapes and sizes
Cell of the pulmonary alveoli
Octopus shaped cells which surround glomerular capillaries
Polychromatophilic erythroblast
Immature cell in the development of the red blood cell
Polychromatophilic erythrocyte
PMN; neutrophil
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte
PMN; neutrophil
Pores of Kohn
Channels between adjacent alveoli
Portal triad
Seen in the liver; branch of the hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, and bile duct
Matrix of dentin
PP cells
Cells of the pancreas which secrete pancreatic polypeptide
Osteoprogenitor cell; cell which will differentiate into osteoblast
Presynaptic membrane
Region of a nerve cell abutting the synaptic cleft
Primary follicle
Follicular stage where the primary oocyte is surrounded by cuboidal cells
Primary nodule
Aggregation of small lymphocytes
Primordial follicle
Primitive follicle
Principal cell
1. Parathyroid cell which secretes parathyroid hormone
2. Cell type in the thyroid; follicular cells
Immature cell in the development of the red blood cell
Primitive cell in granulopoiesis
Prostatic concretions
Corpora amylaceae; eosinophilic bodies seen in the prostate
Proximal convoluted tubule
PCT, part of the nephron
Psammoma body
Concentric whorls seen in choroid plexus, meninges, pineal gland, and some tumors
Non permanent project of the cytoplasm of a cell
Pseudostratified epithelium
A type of epithelium where all cells touch the basement membrane yet has the appearance of being stratified
Pseudounipolar neuron
Unipolar neuron
Purkinje cells
Cell type in the cerebellum
Purkinje fibers
Specialized cardiac muscle fibers inolved in the transmission of the impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles
Pyramidal cells
Neurons in the cerebral cortex with a cell body shaped like a pyramid.
Ranvier's node
Area between two Schwann cells which is not covered by myelin
Red blood cell
Red fiber
Type of muscle fiber which make up slow twitch motor units
Red pulp
Tissue in the spleen composed of splenic sinuses and splenic cords
Reinke crystals
Crystals seen in the interstitial cells of Leydig
Renal columns
Kidney tissue which is between the pyramids
Renal corpuscle
Glomerulus and Bowman's capsule
Residual body
Accumulation of indigestable matter within a cell
Respiratory bronchiole
First portion of the respiratory tract where gas exchange actually occurs
Rete ovarii
Fetal remnants within the ovary
Rete testis
Tubules within the testis
Rete peg
Regions in the skin where the stratum germinativum projects downward into the dermis
Reticular fiber
Type of fiber made of collagen
Reticular layer
Deeper region within the dermis
Immature erythrocyte (RBC); also called polychromatophilic erythrocyte
Reticuloendothelial system
Component of the immune system consisting of the phagocytic cells within the reticular connective tissue
The sensory tunic of the eye
Cytoplasmic organelle which produces proteins
Ribonucleic acid
Rod cell
Type of photoreceptors in the retina
Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses
Diverticula seen in the mucosa of the gallbladder
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulum which is studded with ribosomes
Ruffini's corpuscle
Tactile receptor responsive to continuous pressure
Ruffled border
Plasma membrane foldings on an osteoclast
Plasma membrane of a muscle cell
Functional unit in a muscle cell; Z line to Z line
Cytoplasm of a muscle cell
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
The endoplasmic reticulum in a muscle cell
Satellite cells
Cells found in skeletal muscle which are dormant stem cells
Scala tympani
Chamber within the the cochlear duct
Scala vestibuli
Chamber within the the cochlear duct
Schlemm's canal
Circular canal near the junction of the cornea and sclera which allows the aqueous humor to drain from the anterior chamber
Schmidt-Lanterman cleft
Cytoplasm of a Schwann cell
Schwann cells
Cells which form the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system
Sebaceous gland
Gland which produces and secrete sebum
Oily secretion
Secondary follicle
Antral follicle; follicle after the fluid filled antrum forms
Seminiferous tubules
Tubules where spermatozoa mature
Septal cell
Type II alveolar cell
Lining of closed body cavities
Serous cell
Cell which secretes watery secretion containing enzymes
Serous demilune
Serous cell which is a moon shaped cap resting on a mucous secreting cell in a salivary gland
Sertoli cells
Supporting cells in the testes
Sharpey's fibers
Collagen fibers in bone; peforating fibers
Simple epithelium
Epithelium consisting of a single layer of cells
Simple gland
A gland with an unbranched duct or no duct
Wide, leaky capillary
Slit pore
Opening between the foot processes of podocytes in the kidney
Small alveolar cell
Type I alveolar cell
Small granule cell
Argyrophilic cell or dense core granule cell
Smoth endoplasmic reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulum that is not studded with ribosomes
Smudge cell
A fragmented white blood which became fragmented while making the peripheral blood smear slide
Smooth muscle
iInvoluntary muscle which does not have cross striations
Cell body of a neuron
Cell type found in the adenohypophysis which secretes growth hormone
Space of Disse
Perisinuoidal space seen in the liver
Space of Mall
Space seen in the liver at the periphery of a portal canal
Spermatogenic cell
Spermatogenic cell
Spermatogenic cell
Mature sperm cell
Trabeculae seen in spongy bone
Splenic cords
Cords of Billroth; tissue between the splenic sinuses
Spongy bone
Cancellous bone; trabecular bone
Squamocolumnar junction
Transition region between the exocervix and endocervix where the epithelium changes from stratified squamous to simple columnar
Squamous epithelium
Epithelium where the surface cells are flat; can be either simple or stratified
Immature neutrophil in which the nucleus is not yet multi-lobed; also called a band cell
Shaped like a star
Stem cell
Undifferentiate precursor cell
Very long microvilli found on some epithelial cells
Stratified epithelium
Epithelium composed of more than one layer of cells
Stratum basale
1. Basal layer of the epidermis; also called the stratum germinativum
2. Basal layer of the endometrium
Stratum corneum
Most external layer of the epidermis; also called the horny layer
Stratum functionalis
Portion of the endometrium which is shed monthly
Stratum germinativum
Basal layer of the epidermis; also called stratum basale
Stratum granulosum
Granular layer of the epidermis
Stratum lucidum
Clear layer of the epidermis; found only in thick skin
Stratum spinosum
Spiny layer of the epidermis
Stratum vasculare
Central layer in myometrium
Striated border
Visible effect of the microvilli in the small intestine; also called the brush border
Striated duct
Duct with infoldings of plasma membrane and mitochondria as to give it a striped appearance
Stria vascularis
Part of the wall of the cochlear duct
Striated muscle
Skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle
The supporting tissue in an organ, i.e the blood vessels, connective tissue, nerves, etc.
Subcapsular sinus
Space underneath a lymph node capsule
Tissue layer underneath the mucosa
Subneural clefts
Folds or gutters in the sarcolemma
Substantia propria
Layers of collagen which form the cornea
Sudoriferous glands
Sweat gland
Sustentacular cell
Supporting cell
Cell junction between neurons
Mass formed by cells which have merged with each other.
T cell
Type of lymphocyte which is involved in cellular immunity
T tubule
Invagination of the plasma membrane seen in muscle fibers which allows for rapid calcium distribution
Taste buds
Structures found on some papillae in the tongue and in mucous membrane of the pharynx
Taste pore
Opening in the taste bud
Tectorial membrane
Membrane within the cochlea of the inner ear
Tendon organ
Encapsulated nerve endings stimulated by stretching
Tenia coli
Modification of the muscularis externa of the large intestine
Terminal bouton
Rounded flask like region at the end of a neuron
Terminal bronchioles
Bronchioles just before the respiratory branch
Theca externa
Layer of connective tissue on the outer portion of the follicle; outside the theca interna
Theca folliculi
Layer of cells around a primary follicle in the ovary
Theca interna
Layer of tissue underneath the theca externa
Theca lutein cells
Peripherally located in the corpus luteum
Thick filaments
Myosin filaments
Thin filaments
Actin filaments
Thyroid follicle
Spherical collection of thyroid cells which surrounds colloid
Cell type in the anterior pituitary which secretes TSH
Tight junctions
Type of junction between epithelial cells
A group of cells working together to perform a similar function. The four primary tissue types are: epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous
Type of protein filament
Totipotential cell
Cell that is able to develop into a variety of different cell types; undifferentiated cell
Trabecular bone
Spongy bone; cancellous bone
Transitional epithelium
Type of epithelium found in the urinary tract
Transverse tubule
Invagination of the plasma membrane seen in muscle fibers which allows for rapid calcium distribution; T tubule
Outer layer on the blastocyst
Tubular gland
Gland where the secretory part is tubular
Tubuli recti
Small channels lined by sertoli cells in the testis; straight tubules
Tubuloalveolar gland
Tubular gland which has a saclike portion at the end of the tube
Tunica adventitia
Outer layer of a blood vessel which is composed primarily of connective tissue
Tunica albuginea
Tough connective tissue covering a structure
Tunica intima
Innermost layer of a blood vessel or other tubular structure
Tunica media
Middle layer of vessels composed of smooth muscle
Tunica vaginalis
Membrane around the testis
Type II alveolar cell
Cell of the pulmonary alveoli which secretes surfactant
Unilocular adipose tissue
White adipose tissue; adult adipose tissue
Unipolar neuron
Neuron with one process which immediately divides; pseudounipolar neuron
Urinary space
Space between the glomerular capillaries and Bowman's capsule
Uriniferous tubule
A component of the nephron
One of the sacs in the inner ear
Vascular tunic of the eye
An apparently empty space within a cell
Valve of Kerckring
Plica circulares
Varicose vein
Twisted, dilated vein
Vasa nervorum
Blood vessels which supply a nerve trunk
Vasa recta
Blood vessels which form a hairpin-like loop within the kidney
Venous portal system
Vein which is between two capillary beds; an example is the hepatic portal systme
Venous sinus
Large channel for venous blood
Ventricular fold
Fold of the mucous membrane in the larynx
Small vein
Vestibular membrane
Membrane within the cochlea which separates the scala media from the scala vestibuli
Fingerlike projections seen on the mucosa of the small intestine
Volkmann's canals
Channels in compact bone which run transversely
Von Ebner's glands
Serous glands associated with circumvallate papilla.
Wharton's jelly
Mucous connective tissue found in the umbilical cord
White blood cells
White fibers
Type of muscle fibers which make up fast-twitch motor units
White matter
Region of the central nervous system with abundant myelination and no cell bodies
White pulp
Lymphatic tissue of the spleen
Whole mount
Slide preparation technique using the whole specimen
Woven bone
Immature bone; non-lamelllar bone
Yellow marrow
Bone marrow consisting primarily of adipose cells
Z disc/Z line
Dark line in the center of the I band; Z line to Z line defines a sarcomere
Zona fasciculata
The middle layer of the adrenal cortex; produces glucocorticoids
Zona glomerulosa
The outer layer of the adrenal cortex where mineralocorticoids are produced
Zona pellucida
Glycoprotein coat around the oocyte
Zona reticularis
Innermost layer of the adrenal cortex; produces sex steroids
Zonula adherens
Type of junction between epithelial cells; intermediate junction
Zonula occludens
Type of junction between epithelial cells; tight junction
Zonular fibers
Suspensory ligament of the lens
Diploid cell; fertilized ovum
Zymogenic cells
Chief cells; cells which secrete enzymes.
Source: http://www.histology-world.com
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*) If you don't see a word or phrase that you think should appear here, let me know by writing some comments so that I can add it to my lexicon. Thank's.
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